An Introduction

Greenacre joined Wellspring Academy Trust on the 1st April 2017. Wellspring Academy Trust’s Board of Directors are responsible to the Secretary of State for the effectiveness of all the Academies under its umbrella. In order to ensure effectiveness at Academy level, the Board delegates key responsibilities to the Academy Local Governing Body. Details of the Governance arrangements within Wellspring Academy Trust and the scheme of delegation can be found by clicking on the link.

For a copy of the master funding agreement please access:

Copies of all minutes from Governing Body meetings are available on request from the Clerk to the Governors. Please ring the school number to request.

If you wish to contact the Chair of Governors please email: or by post at Wellspring Academy Trust, Digital Media Centre, County Way, Barnsley, S70 2JW.

Greenacre School – Local Governing Body

The schools’ individual Governing Body was disbanded in February 2020 and a new single over-arching governing body for Greenacre and Springwell Learning Community was formed. All Governors complete a four year term of office except ex-officio members who remain on the Governing Body for the duration of their post. The members of the Greenacre/Springwell Governing Body are:


George Wild

Chair, Trust Appointed - March 2021

George has worked for over 40 years in a variety of roles within a Local, UK and International Engineering Group specialising in the Finance, HR, IT and Company Secretarial areas. Strong links to charitable and community organisations. Currently George is Chair at Greenacre and the designated Link Governor for Business and Finance.

Michael Ibbotson.jpg

Michael Ibbotson

Trust Appointed Governor and Vice Chair - July 2021

Michael works within a specialist provision in an FE College and has worked in SEND for over 9 years. Michael teaches in a college and manages a team of support workers. He is an accredited CMI qualified manager and has a qualified background in business. He is passionate about achieving equal opportunities for all, no matter what their needs or background are.


Pam Bower

Trust Appointed Governor - February 2021

Pam has an extensive career spanning over 51 years. She successfully completed her Solicitors Examinations in 1992 and was admitted to the Roll of Solicitors in 1994. In 2011 she gained her Master’s Degree MA in Restorative Justice. In 2019 Pam Retired from HMCTS and is an active member of the Inner Wheel Club of Barnsley and a volunteer at the Wentworth Woodhouse Preservation Trust.

Sian Vaughton

Trust Appointed Parent Governor Governor - October 2022

Sian works as Director of Teaching and Learning for a primary multi-academy trust with responsibility for SEND, behaviour, safeguarding, attendance and the wider curriculum. She has 20 years experience as a teacher and leader in mainstream primary schools.

Vicki Geldart

Parent Governor November 2023

I have over 25 years experience working with children and families as a Social Worker. I’ve worked in Education, Children's Social Care and now manage a team in Youth Justice.

I have 2 boys with SEND, one of whom attends Springwell Special Academy. My journey as a parent of children with additional needs has made me determined to raise awareness and help people to hear their voice.

I’m committed to relational and trauma responsive practice, advocacy for children and families with SEND and helping to make education accessible for everyone'


Mark Wood

Ex Officio Member

Mark Wood is the Chief Finance Officer at Wellspring Academy Trust. Having previously been the Business Director at Greenacre, Mark knows the school well and sits on the board deputising for the CEO of the Wellspring Academy Trust.


Sarah Wilson

Ex Officio Member

As the Executive Headteacher of the school Sarah sits on the governing body.
Sarah joined Greenacre in April 2020 and leads the newly formed Special Provision Partnership that includes Greenacre, Springwell Learning Community and Joseph Norton Academy in Kirklees.

Emma Nuttall

Trust Appointed Governor - Appointed February 2024

Governors Serving in the last 12 Months:

Tracy Fairham - Trust Appointed Governor, Vice Chair, Appointed - April 2021 stepped down June 2023

Eileen Sanderson - Trust Appointed Governor

Arlene Tatershall - Parent Governor

Staff Governors

The position of staff governor is extremely popular at our school and elections are held on an annual basis. The staff team are currently represented by Tom O’Hara who was appointed on 1 July 2021 and Adam Fox who was appointed on October 2022.