Please find below the general annual grant (GAG) funding allocation statement for the 2023 to 2024 academic year, for pre-16 education:
Pupil Premium
The Pupil Premium Grant (PPG) is additional funding given to schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and to help close the gap between those disadvantaged students and their peers. Greenacre allocates spending based upon National and Local research trends, as well as in-school analysis. This is evaluated annually to maximise impact of spending and ensure it continues to be allocated to the correct areas.
The statement that details our school’s use of pupil premium for the 2024 to 2025 academic year and the previous years impact report can be found here:
Previous plans and review can be found below:
Funding Successes
As of previous years, it is clear from the progress data set that there is no discernible gap between the achievement of pupils in receipt of PPG and others in Numeracy and Literacy. Differences in individual year groups are negligible and generally relates to only one or two pupils. An intensive intervention structure now utilises data analysis to highlight individuals and in need of additional support and provide personalised intervention. This will be further enhanced this year due to the the potential impact of school closures related to COVID-19.
Nationally Pupils in receipt of PPG attend 2.9% less than their peers not in receipt of PPG funding (July 2018). The continued employment of attendance officers means pupils in receipt of PPG attend in line with their peers and whole school average at Greenacre.
The Family Team have worked with families to maintain low levels of Child Protection plans and utilised the Early Help Assessment process effectively to support families across the school. Their continued collaboration with CAMHS nurse within school has ensured timely support and resulted in no Tier 3/4 CAMHS referrals. The Social Conduct Team have provided staff training, functional analysis and work proactively to modify behaviour and promote self-regulation- this has led to a term on term reduction in incidents and use of physical support.
Sports Premium
The PE and Sport Premium Grant provides additional funding to schools to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sport they offer, to ensure all students achieve a good level of physical and emotional well-being.
Physical Education (PE) and Sport at Greenacre School plays a vital part in the total development of all pupils. The associated benefits of PE and Sport reach beyond general physical wellbeing and impact on both social and emotional health.
The school is dedicated to using the sport premium to develop a robust PE and sport provision for all pupils, including but not limited to:
– Developing pupil progress within PE and Sport lessons
– Recruiting and retaining staff with appropriate qualifications and skills to deliver the curriculum
– Increase opportunities for pupils within school
– Provide clubs for pupils to attend outside school hours
– Create sustainable links with local primary schools
– Develop existing infrastructure to allow pupils to participate in physical activity during free time
Covid Catch-Up Funding
Please see the document below for our Covid Catchup Funding Plan: