The Greenacre Curriculum

Like everything at Greenacre, our curriculum is guided by our vision and our values. Most importantly, however, it is
shaped by our school mission. The practical steps we undertake to do this are outlined below.

Our Mission

Our Curriculum Model
Our curriculum is carefully sequenced at three levels:

  • Access the world around me – below P4

  • Build on what I know about the world – P4-8

  • Connect with the world and my wider community – P8 and beyond.

The Access Curriculum provides a multi-sensory approach to learning for pupils that are not yet ready to access subject specific learning. Pupils are supported to participate in the world around them and develop their communication skills. This enables a developing awareness of what is happening to them, being an active participant in routines and events, and making clear choices based on their own preferences. We promote the independence of each child and young person and identify ways in which we can prepare them for adulthood. This is driven by a clear focus on developing communication and life skills.

The Build Curriculum provides pupils with the opportunity to build upon their communication and life skills whilst developing early literacy and numeracy competencies. Pupils are supported to apply their emergent knowledge in different contexts and situations. Pupils are supported to be curious participants in their own learning journey via the use of co-created learning questions. Learning questions allow pupils to explore the wider curriculum through creative thematic approaches that champion learner voice.  

The Connect Curriculum promotes life skills, vocational opportunity, and externally accredited outcomes.  It focuses on inclusion within the local community and develops a sound foundation for life after Greenacre.  Creating the connection between skills and ‘real life,’ the curriculum allows pupils to develop their abilities to become independent learners, working towards their own aspirations and goals.  Pupils explore their role within society and are supported to become active participants within their local community.


In addition to our curriculum, we offer a range of targeted interventions that support pupils with a specific area of need.  This may be an instructional programme focused on an academic skill, or a flexible programme designed to develop attitudes and behaviours. 

Our Approach
In the classroom we use a multi-method approach that integrates knowledge about special educational needs and
the way children learn.

Our timetables are divided into seven areas:

  • Communication and English: Speaking and Listening, Communication, Reading, Writing

  • Maths and Finances: Number, Using and Applying maths, Shape, Space and Measure

  • Physical Development: Physical education, development, health, and wellbeing

  • The Wider World: Technologies, Humanities, Computing and Science

  • Creativity: Music, Art, and Drama

  • Independence and Futures: Careers, employability, health and wellbeing 

  • PSHE

Our teachers use Read Write Inc, a systematic approach for teaching children to read using phonics.

Our Curriculum Coverage

In KS4, pupils can access qualifications in the following areas:

  • English, Mathematics and ICT Functional Skills

  • Duke of Edinburgh

  • Certificates in Personal Progress and/or Personal and Social Development.

  • AQA Unit Award Scheme

In Post 16, pupils can access qualifications in the following areas:

  • English Skills Award and/or Functional Skills English

  • Maths Skills Award and/or Functional Skills Mathematics

  • NOCN Certificate in Personal Progress

  • NOCN Certificate in Independent Living and Employability.

  • European Computer Driving Licence (ECDL)

Our accreditation is updated on an annual basis to ensure it continues to meet the needs and aspirations of our
pupils. All accreditation pathways are personalised to individual students to support their academic ability and
learning style.

Extra-Curricular Activities
Extra-curricular activities are an important and exciting feature of school life and contribute enormously to our
pupils’ social and academic development. There is an extensive menu of extra-curricular activities on offer including
arts and sporting provision with opportunities to take part in workshops and field trips. We also offer pupils the
chance to experience different cultures and experiences through our range of local, national and international trips
and visits. Theatre trips, visits to exhibitions and museums plus excursions to local colleges occur regularly and
provide further opportunities for pupils to enrich and extend their learning beyond the classroom.

If you would like further information about any of the above, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Please click on this link to see our performance of Shakespeare's 'The twelfth night'.

The Life Skills programme participates with Shakespeare for Schools every year. Even though our performance had to be virtual this year, we hope you agree that it showcases our students' acting ability!