Sarah Wilson, Executive Principal

Sarah joined Greenacre in April 2020 and leads the newly formed Special Provision Partnership that includes Greenacre, Springwell Learning Community and Joseph Norton Academy in Kirklees. Sarah has overall responsibility for each setting supported by a Head of School. Together they set the school's strategic direction by analysing current needs and planning for the future.


Laura Flynn, Head of School

Laura joined Greenacre in April 2020 from Joseph Norton Academy in Kirklees. Laura has worked in special education for over 16 years. Laura is responsible for the smooth day-to-day running of the school and has overall responsibility for the quality of education. Laura is a qualified and experienced SENDCo and is a panelist for the Teacher Regulation Agency.


Jeremy Lonsdale, Deputy Head

Jeremy is currently Deputy Head and lead for quality of education. He also leads the Cool department and a number of satellite classes. He joined Greenacre in 2014 from a Sixth Form college in Sheffield and has taught pupils across all Key Stages and Post 16. Jeremy works closely with sport national governing bodies to provide internal and external competitive opportunities for pupils, with a focus on providing links to clubs for continued participation. Jeremy is an expert practitioner within the Trust and has led working groups to foster cohesive working relationships between large teams of staff.

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Debby Tinker, Assistant Headteacher

Debby is the Assistant Headteacher for the EYFS curriculum and provision.  She is joint designated safeguarding lead and provides strategic oversight of the pastoral team. Debby joined Greenacre as a teacher in 2013 following a successful placement as part of her Graduate Teacher Programme. She has led classes across lower school (EYFS, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2). Debby has taken on whole school responsibility for Recruitment and Retention at Greenacre School. Additionally, she is leading on Staff Experience supporting Continuous Professional Development at all levels including Apprentices, Initial Teacher Training and the Early Career Framework. Debby is part of the Wellspring Trust strategic group for Early Years Foundation provision with a focus of sharing outstanding practice.


Natalie Priestley, Assistant Headteacher

Natalie joined Greenacre in 2015 and is Assistant Principal for KS4 and KS5, alongside lead for Pupil Premium and Sports Premium.  With over 14 years of teaching experience across Key Stages 2 to 5 including mainstream and SEND she is experienced and passionate about achieving the best outcomes for pupils. Natalie has whole-school responsibility for quality assurance. She also provides strategic support across the SPP in the area of early reading.

Laura Oxley, Pastoral Manager

Laura is the designated safeguarding lead and provides strategic leadership of the school’s Pastoral Team. Laura has worked in the school for 12 years and has extensive experience of working with our families and wider community. Laura has worked across the COOL department and as part of the Complex Needs team before moving into the Family Team. Laura has supported professionals and young people across the borough via Inclusion Network.

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Karen Hodson, Assistant Headteacher (SENDCO)

Karen joined Greenacre in September 2021 as the SENDCO and holds responsibility for the quality of special needs provision within the school. Karen has oversight of the Post-16 provision. Karen has worked within the field of SEN for 5 years, most recently in Kirklees, and is an Engagement Model trainer. Prior to this Karen has developed extensive knowledge and experience in supporting adults with additional needs into employment. Karen is designated teacher for Looked After Children.

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